Thursday, December 6, 2012

Importing OpenStreetMap data into Postgres

I have already set up PostGres 9.1 and PostGIS 2.0 installed. Create a new Postgres DB named GIS.
Run CREATE EXTENSION postgis on this database to add all of the required postgis functions and the spatial reference data.

 Run legacy.sql and rtpostgis_legacy.sql on your new GIS database to add in the legacy function names. OSM2PSQL has not been compiled recently, and still utilizes the old functions...

 You also have to recreate one function in the version I am using... supposedly this function is added back in the latest release... 2.1 I believe...
 CREATE OPERATOR CLASS gist_geometry_ops  
      FOR TYPE geometry USING GIST AS  
      STORAGE box2df,  
      OPERATOR    1    << ,  
      OPERATOR    2    &<      ,  
      OPERATOR    3    && ,  
      OPERATOR    4    &>      ,  
      OPERATOR    5    >>      ,  
      OPERATOR    6    ~=      ,  
      OPERATOR    7    ~      ,  
      OPERATOR    8    @      ,  
      OPERATOR    9    &<| ,  
      OPERATOR    10    <<| ,  
      OPERATOR    11    |>> ,  
      OPERATOR    12    |&> ,  
      OPERATOR    13    <-> FOR ORDER BY pg_catalog.float_ops,  
      OPERATOR    14    <#> FOR ORDER BY pg_catalog.float_ops,  
      FUNCTION    8    geometry_gist_distance_2d (internal, geometry, int4),  
      FUNCTION    1    geometry_gist_consistent_2d (internal, geometry, int4),  
      FUNCTION    2    geometry_gist_union_2d (bytea, internal),  
      FUNCTION    3    geometry_gist_compress_2d (internal),  
      FUNCTION    4    geometry_gist_decompress_2d (internal),  
      FUNCTION    5    geometry_gist_penalty_2d (internal, internal, internal),  
      FUNCTION    6    geometry_gist_picksplit_2d (internal, internal),  
      FUNCTION    7    geometry_gist_same_2d (geom1 geometry, geom2 geometry, internal);  

This is referenced in the following bug: Then just run the osm2psql importer using the following command and you will be good.
 osm2pgsql -c -d gis -U postgres -W -H localhost -P 5432 -S C:\gisdatafiles\2012-12-05_new-brunswick.osm  

Note that this imports the tables using spherical mercator projections... SRID=900913 There are command line switches that are supposed to allow you to change this, but I could not get them to work. For me this is just a temporary table anyway, so to add a translation field and then translate to another SRID is very easy to do so I did not bother wasting any more time trying to get that to work. (See my other blog post for instructions)

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